CM Chairs Annual Development Programme Review Meeting -2022

Chief Minister Punjab Chaudhry Parvez Elahi chaired Annual Development Programme review meeting and expressed his satisfaction over the pace of projects and utilization of funds under the  Annual Development Programme. Provincial Finance Minister Mohsin Leghari, former Federal Minister Moonis Elahi and MNA Hussain Elahi attended the meeting. Progress on Annual Development Programme 2022-23 came under a comprehensive review during the meeting. The Chief Minister while addressing the meeting stated that the growth of Punjab Annual Development Programme has been increased up to Rs.726 billion during the current fiscal year. He stated that the distinction and credit of presenting rupees726 billion Annual Development Programme in the history of Punjab for the first time goes to our government. Development funds were released on 5th August 2022 and a new record has been set up by utilizing development funds worth rupees196 billion in a short span of four months period till 6th December. He asserted that the department should ensure usage of development budget in a timely and transparent manner likewise and no negligence will be tolerated in this regard. The masses will be provided facilitation and relief with the completion of development projects within the stipulated period of time. We would set up a record by utilizing the funds up to rupees725 to rupees 650 billion by the end of current fiscal year. CM disclosed that huge funds worth rupees 255 billion have been allocated for the uplift and progress of South Punjab. A ban has been imposed against utilizing funds being allocated for South Punjab for any other purpose. The funds being allocated for South Punjab will only be spent for the progress and prosperity of the people of South Punjab. The Chief Minister stated that more than 7 lac water meters will be installed worth rupees 9 billion in Lahore under the Chinese Consortium Private-Public Partnership. CM directed to enhance additional budget for the construction and repair of religious places for the minorities. CM expressed his satisfaction over the performance of Planning & Development Board and lauded the performance of Chief Secretary and Chairman Planning & Development Board Abdullah Khan Sumbal and his team. CM was informed during the meeting that development funds amounting to rupees196 billion were being spent during the current fiscal year up to 6th December which is a record. In comparison to last five years, the utilization of funds up to 6th December during the current fiscal year is the highest. The construction and restoration work of Saggian Chowk is expeditiously under completion. A multi-level chowk will be constructed on the Shahdra Mor at Lahore.

Chief Secretary / Chairman Planning & Development Abdullah Khan Sumbal, Principal Secretary to CM Muhammad Khan Bhatti, former Federal Secretary & Chairman Salman Ghani, former Principal Secretary to CM GM Sikandar, Senior Member Board of Revenue, Additional Chief Secretary Home, Secretaries of different departments and concerned officials attended the meeting